Sunday, August 25, 2013

I Fucking Love Science: Science Made Cool

I have been following the I fucking love science Facebook page for sometime now and I have concluded that every sane-fully functional human being should be following this. Every week, they bring you updates within the scientific community  Many of the discoveries and innovations are quite interesting. I find it a lot more stimulating than say: what  new tattoo Rihanna has engraved on her person or who Taylor Swift is dating now.

It seems, we as society have fed into the mass produced celebrity lifestyle and thus our future generations are being trusted into this cycle of meaningless dribble. Honestly If I had kids, I would expect them to read two books a month and a subscription to the I fucking love science page. It is important to teach our future generations the importance of science and compel them to seek knowledge.

This week's post is all about Jet packs, Interesting photographs from the International Space Station and other really cool things... I feel like a child again!!

This amazing photograph was taken last year from the International Space Station. It shows the east coast of the USA at night.
Check out their new Youtube show here:

This amazing photograph was taken last year from the International Space Station. It shows the east coast of the USA at night.

Check out our new Youtube show here:

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